Camden Securities Company announces groundbreaking on a 318-unit Class A Garden-Style project in Huntsville, AL
Camden Securities Company is excited to announce the groundbreaking of The Jessam at Hays Farm, a 318-unit Class A Garden-Style Multifamily project located in City of Huntsville, AL . The Jessam will consist of twelve 3-story class-A garden-style rental buildings totaling 318 apartments and one luxury clubhouse. The project is a part of an 850 acre master plan development in the southern artery [...]
Apartment and Whole Foods Project Gets Capital
A soon-to-be-built apartment and Whole Foods Market complex in North Hollywood’s Arts District has received new equity from an L.A. investment firm. Canyon Partners Real Estate, the real estate direct investing arm of L.A. investment firm Canyon Partners, said it has given $32 million of equity to form a joint venture with Camden Securities Co. of White Plains, N.Y. and [...]
Largest East Coast Target Opens at KOP
The Valley Forge Shopping Center is already one of the busiest areas in King of Prussia. And, with the advent of a new Target store, it’s bound to get even busier. The 165,000-square-foot Target store (160 W. Dekalb Pike), the largest Target in the East Coast, according to Upper Merion Township officials, opened its doors to the public at 8 [...]
Family’s bet on big-box store pays off for center
Manhattan was crawling with retailers and real estate brokers licking their wounds from the economic collapse when Steve Niggeman, a member of that chastened club, took a seat at a restaurant and floated a proposal that, at its core, screamed, "Spend millions." The annual International Council of Shopping Centers conference, typically an orgy of deal making between landlords and retail [...]